
Clube Portuguese RR Statutes


Article 1



The zoophile club of a private and non-profit nature, named Clube Portuguese RR  also referred to in short as CPRR is constituted for an indefinite period, which will be governed by the applicable legal provisions, as well as by the rules of these statutes, under the terms and as set out below.



Article 2



  1. The Club has its headquarters at Estrada Cerro de Alfeicao 11, Sao Sebastiao, 8100-280 Loule, Portugal;


  1. By simple deliberation of the management, taken on the proposal of its President, the headquarters of the Association may be transferred to another location within the same council and district, or to another council, if this belongs to a bordering district of the current one. Likewise, branches, delegations or other forms of local representation may be created and extinguished, within the national territory or abroad;


  1. The relocation of the headquarters to another location in the country or abroad other than those enshrined in number 2 of article 2 requires approval by the General Assembly.



Article 3



  1. The CPRR has as its objective and purpose the association of people interested in the defense, preservation, promotion and dissemination of the Rhodesian Ridgeback breed, as well as a study of the origin and deepening of the genealogical ties with other specimens, recognized or not, that have as particularity the same “ridge” on the back (stripe in the opposite direction of the normal coat);


  1. The club vehemently repudiates the use of any animal, particularly dogs, in any activity, experience or spectacle of a cruel or degrading nature.






Article 4



  1. The CPRR assumes itself as a representative club, committed to develop the role of reference entity, in the country and abroad, of the Rhodesian Ridgeback breed as a purebred dog, promoting the improvement of its creation, through the selection and development of the physical and of their specimens, seeking whenever requested, within their knowledge, to provide all assistance and advice to owners and breeders, in order to preserve the correspondence with the standard in force, according to the rules of the Clube Português de Canicultura (CPC), and competent international technical associations, with due official recognition from the International Cynological Federation (ICF);


  1. The CPRR promoted its affiliation with the CPC as a Rhodesian Ridgeback breed club, accepting and fully complying with all its regulations. The CPRR should also promote contacts and affiliation with international technical associations, possibly representing them in Portugal, as well as establish correspondence with homologous associations abroad.



Article 5

(Means of Action)


The following are understood as means of action of the CPRR:


  1. Foster relationships between Rhodesian Ridgeback owners;


  1. Have their own records, as well as copies of the records of the Portuguese origin book (LOP), initial record (RI) and breeder book of dogs of the represented breed;


  1. Create and award honorary awards and nominations, which may encourage the breeding of the represented breed, or constitute recognition of dedication and/or effort towards the CPRR;


  1. Prepare and encourage judges of the represented breed, owners and/or breeders with practical and technical knowledge and proven moral integrity, who want to comply with the truth; take all the measures that, within its scope of action, contribute especially to the effective improvement of the breed represented and to kennel farming in general.





Article 6

(Designation of Club Bodies)


  1. The club’s bodies are the General Assembly, the Board of Directors, and the Audit Committee.


  1. Only members who are in full enjoyment of their social rights may be members of the Board of the General Assembly, the Board of Directors, and the Audit Committee. The application of any disciplinary sanction to elements of the bodies implies the prior suspension of the mandate.



Article 7

(Composition of the Board of the General Meeting)


  1. The General Assembly is directed and represented by the respective table, which is composed of a President, a First Secretary, and a Second Secretary. The presiding officer will decide on protests and complaints regarding electoral acts, without prejudice to legal appeals.


  1. The chairperson of the General Assembly may attend or be represented by one of the other members of the board at meetings of the executive body, by invitation, or whenever s/he deems convenient.



Article 8



  1. It is the responsibility of the General Assembly:


    1. Approve the emblem and insignia of the club, as well as the honorary distinctions to be awarded for exceptional merits to the members.
    2. Annually assess and vote on the activities plan and the budget for the following year, as well as the management report, with the opinion of the Audit Committee.
    3. Decide on the onerous acquisition and disposal, in any capacity, of real estate and other assets.
    4. Decide on the capitalization of funds and on obtaining loans.
    5. Appraise and vote on amendments to the statutes, interpret them and ensure compliance, resolve omissions under the terms of the applicable legislation.
    6. Decide on the extinction, split or merger of the club.
    7. Authorize management to sue members of governing bodies for acts committed in the exercise of their duties.
    8. Approve accession or affiliation to other national or international entities.
    9. Establish, upon proposal by the Management, the value and system of contributions.
    10. Assign the status of honorary member.
    11. Apply exclusion and suspension sanctions to members.
    12. Approve the internal regulations, drawn up by the management.
    13. Appreciate the resources of the acts of the governing bodies.
  1. It is also incumbent upon the General Meeting to deliberate on other matters that are not included in the legal or statutory competence of the other governing bodies.



Article 9



  1. The General Assembly will meet in ordinary session:


    1. At the term of each mandate, to elect the governing bodies.
    2. Until March 31st of each year beginning 2024, for discussion and voting on the management report and accounts for the previous year and to take note of the opinion of the Audit Committee.
    3. By the tenth of November of each year, to assess and vote on the budget and plan of activities for the following year.


  1. The General Assembly will meet in an extraordinary session, within a maximum period of 60 days from the receipt by the Chairman of the request in this regard, presented by the Board of Directors, by the Audit Committee, or a request signed by at least the fifth part of all the shareholders in full enjoyment of their rights.



Article 10

(Composition of the Board of Directors)


The Board of Directors consists of three members: a president and two vice-presidents.



Article 11



It is incumbent upon the Board, as an executive body, to manage the club and in particular:


  1. Representing the club in all its acts in and out of court, this competence may be delegated to any of its members.


  1. Guarantee the fulfillment of the rights of the members, as well as, how to apply sanctions within the scope of the exercise of the corresponding disciplinary powers.


  1. Annually prepare the activities plan, the budget, the activities report and management accounts to be sent to the Audit Committee for the preparation of an opinion, and to submit for approval by the General Assembly.


  1. Ensure the functioning of the services recommended in the objectives of the club.


  1. Appoint committees of a permanent or occasional nature, and designate partners for the respective training, whether they are specialized for the study of issues related to the purposes and operation of the CPRR or are intended to exercise in the arbitrations that the partners require.


  1. Keep the registration of the CPRR in force in the Clube Português de Canicultura and in the competent international technical associations.


  1. Decide on the admission and readmission of effective members.


  1. Propose to the General Assembly the attribution of the status of Honorary Member.


  1. Submit internal regulations for approval by the General Assembly.


  1. Establish prizes to encourage study and research on issues of canophilia in general and in particular those relating to the represented breed.


  1. Justifiably request notice of an extraordinary meeting of the General Assembly.


  1. Ensure compliance with the legal provisions of the statutes, internal regulations, and resolutions of the General Assembly.



Article 12

(Ways to Oblige)


  1. In order to bind the CPRR, the signatures of two members of the Board of Directors are necessary and sufficient, the President’s being mandatory.


  1. In passive financial operations, the signatures of the President of the Board of Directors and Vice-President for Finance are mandatory, this after having previously obtained the approval of the Chairperson of the General Meeting and the Chairpersonof the Supervisory Board.





Article 13

(Appeals to General Meeting)


  1. The acts and resolutions of the Board may be appealed to the General Meeting. The appeal must be addressed to the chairperson of the board, within a maximum period of 30 days from the notification of the decision.


  1.  As long as there is no regulation of its own, the chairperson of the table sets the effects to be attributed to the referred resources.



Article 14

(Composition of the Audit Committee)


The Audit Committee is composed of three members: a Chair[Person and two members.



Article 15



  1. The Supervisory Board carries out the internal supervision of the Association and is responsible for:


    1. Verifying the regularity of the accounting records and supporting documentation.
    2. Proceed with the verification of existing funds in cash and deposits and other equity values.
    3. Attend or be represented by one of its members at meetings of the executive body (Board of Directors), by invitation or whenever deemed convenient.
    4. Giving an opinion on the budget, activity report and management accounts, and on other matters that the Board of Directors submits for its appreciation.
    5. Giving an opinion on the signing of contracts, cooperation and management agreements, as well as on the capitalization of funds and loan requests.
    6. Recommend the Board of Directors to take appropriate measures or to deliberate in order to comply with any legal, statutory or regulatory rule.
    7. Justifiably request the call for an extraordinary meeting of the General Assembly.
    8. Draw up an annual report of its supervisory action.


  1. The Audit Committee may ask the Board of Directors for the elements deemed necessary for the exercise of their competence, as well as propose extraordinary meetings for discussion on certain matters whose importance may justify.


Article 16



CPRR  revenues will be dues, donations, annual subsidies granted by the CPC, income from registrations in monographic exhibitions and the sale of items to members, donated or ordered to be produced by the CPRR  related to or promoting the Rhodesian Ridgeback breed.