Rhodesian Ridgebacks are beautiful dogs and have the most wonderful temperament, they are working farm dogs.
FROM WIKIPEDIA: “The Rhodesian Ridgeback is a dog breed developed in Southern Africa. Its European forebears can be traced to the early pioneers of the Cape Colony of southern Africa, who crossed their dogs with the semi-domesticated, ridged hunting dogs of the Khoikhoi.
In the earlier parts of its history, the Rhodesian Ridgeback has also been known as Van Rooyen’s Lion Dog, the African Lion Hound or African Lion Dog—Simba Inja in Ndebele, Shumba Imbwa in Shona—because of its ability to keep a lion at bay while awaiting its master to make the kill.
The original breed standard was drafted by F.R. Barnes, in Bulawayo, Southern Rhodesia (now Zimbabwe), in 1922. Based on that of the Dalmatian, the standard was approved by the South African Kennel Union in 1926”
Breed Group: Hound
Height: 24 to 27 inches at the shoulder
Weight: 75 to 80 pounds
Life Span: 10 to 12 years
The Rhodesian Ridgeback is easy to spot among a canine crowd: He’s the one with the tiny Mohawk running down his spine. Expressive eyes reflect the sensitive spirit of this large, intelligent dog who loves to run and play. He’s not a barker, but a Ridgie will protect his family.
Breed Characteristics

Ridgebacks are also known as the African Lion Hound. Big-game hunters found that the dogs were good at distracting a lion, allowing the hunters to take a shot.
The Rhodesian Ridgeback takes his name from both the part of the world from which he originates and the distinctive hair that runs down his back. A sleek and powerful dog, the Ridgeback has transitioned from African farm dog and hunter to popular companion dog in American homes of all types and sizes.
It’s hard to categorize the Rhodesian Ridgeback. He’s a big dog, weighing as much as 100 pounds. He’s a fast runner but needs surprisingly little exercise. He has a strong protective instinct, but he rarely barks, even when someone’s at the door. He will put his well-muscled body between his human family before barking, snarling, or attacking. He tends to get along not only with other dogs but also with cats he lives with. Though strange cats he spots outdoors, however, are still seen as prey.
The Ridgeback can be a child’s best friend, though a dog of this size and power can be too much for the smallest children. Most Ridgies can learn to modulate that power when they’re around toddlers, but it’s up to adults to make sure dog and child are safe together
The Ridgeback is an easy-care dog. His smooth coat, which comes in shades of tan and red, sheds, but his grooming needs are minimal. A quick weekly brush and occasional bath, as well as regular nail trims and teeth brushing, are all he needs. Keep his hanging ears clean and dry, and seek veterinary attention for itching, redness or discharge, or if your dog is pawing at his ears or shaking his head.
Mature Ridgebacks love to run, hike, and play, but can get by with a romp in the backyard and a daily leash walk, with occasional trips to the park or beach. Young Ridgebacks and puppies need a lot of exercise, but they need it in safe places. The urge to chase is strong, and that impulse is likely to override any amount of training a young dog has had.
By the time he’s older, if you put the effort into training him to come when called, you may be able to give him a bit more freedom. Hounds are notoriously unreliable off-leash and although Ridgebacks might be a bit better than most, you shouldn’t try it unless you’ve trained your dog consistently from an early age and you are in an enclosed area such as your own yard or a dog park that allows off-leash activity. And training consistently is very important for these somewhat hard-headed dogs. People who aren’t familiar with hounds and who are used to similar-size bird dogs such as the Retrievers, will find training a rough road. Just keep lessons short and frequent, and your sense of humour high.
Rhodesian Ridgebacks love their human families and don’t do well as outdoor dogs. Life in a backyard is too boring for them, and they’ll entertain themselves by uprooting trees the size of a midlife redwood and scaling fences in a single bound.
Something else Ridgies love to do: EAT. There has never been enough food to convince a Ridgeback he’s full, and if allowed, he’ll literally eat himself sick. He’ll also happily eat himself fat, in which case, you’re going to be in charge of putting the world’s hungriest dog on a diet. Instead, give him plenty of exercise and practice portion control in order to spare your hound the pain and health risks that come with canine obesity.
The Ridgeback is the only dog who has a ridge of hair running down his spine in the opposite direction from the rest of his coat, though some purebred Ridgebacks do not have ridges.
The Ridgeback was created to help big game hunters go after lions, which is why he’s sometimes called the African Lion Hound.
The Rhodesian Ridgeback has a quiet and even temperament — when he’s mature. Puppies are fun-loving, curious, and rambunctious. They can unwittingly knock over young children with their exuberant play, but they are good at heart and want only to be with their people.
Ridgebacks also would like very much to run things their own way and will test their boundaries at every opportunity. That includes hopping onto the bed and other furniture and making themselves comfortable. If it wasn’t your plan to allow the dog on the furniture, teach him at an early age to go to his own bed or blanket. The Ridgie understands “just this once” to mean “They’ll never enforce the rules. I can do whatever I want.”
The Ridgeback’s hound background means he is bred to think for himself. It also means he can be willful and stubborn. Ridgies will test everyone in the family to see what they can get away with and where they stand on the leadership ladder. This is a confident, independent, and intelligent dog. He needs an assertive owner who can train him appropriately while understanding that he is sensitive enough to wilt at the first sign of disapproval. Harsh physical or verbal reprimands should be avoided in any dog, including Ridgies.
Ridgebacks are usually aloof with strangers. Significant socialization during early puppyhood is necessary to offset this characteristic so that the Ridgeback’s natural tendency to protect doesn’t turn into aggression. With appropriate socialization, the Ridgeback is capable of making good decisions, and, when necessary, he will stand between you and danger and stare it down.
The Ridgeback can be aggressive toward dogs of the same sex. He can get along with cats if he is raised with them from puppyhood, but stray cats who cross his property won’t make that mistake twice.
Ridgebacks have lots of great qualities, but any dog, no matter how nice, can develop obnoxious levels of barking, digging, counter-surfing, and other undesirable behaviors if he is bored, untrained, or unsupervised. And any dog can be a trial to live with during adolescence, which can last until the dog is 3 years old.
Start training your Ridgeback puppy the day you bring him home. Even at 7 or 8 weeks old, he can soak up everything you can teach him. Do not wait until he is 6 months old to begin training, or you will have a much bigger, more headstrong dog to deal with. If possible, get him into puppy kindergarten class by the time he is 10 to 12 weeks old, and socialize, socialize, socialize. However, be aware that many puppy training classes require certain vaccines (like kennel cough) to be up to date, and many veterinarians recommend limited exposure to other dogs and public places until puppy vaccines (including rabies, distemper and parvovirus) have been completed. In lieu of formal training, you can begin training your puppy at home and socializing him among family and friends until puppy vaccines are completed.
Talk to breeders, describe exactly what you’re looking for in a dog, and ask for assistance in selecting a puppy. Breeders see the puppies daily and can make uncannily accurate recommendations once they know something about your lifestyle and personality.
The perfect Ridgeback doesn’t spring fully formed from the whelping box. He’s a product of his background and breeding. Whatever you want from a Ridgeback, look for one whose parents have nice personalities and who has been well socialized from early puppyhood.
All dogs have the potential to develop genetic health problems, just as all people have the potential to inherit a particular disease. Run, don’t walk, from any breeder who does not offer a health guarantee on puppies, who tells you that the breed is 100 percent healthy and has no known problems, or who tells you that her puppies are isolated from the main part of the household for health reasons. A reputable breeder will be honest and open about health problems in the breed and the incidence with which they occur in her lines. The Ridgeback can develop certain health problems.
Ridgies can develop hypothyroidism, a condition in which the thyroid gland doesn’t produce enough thyroid hormone. Periodic testing is recommended and affected dogs should not be bred.
Rhodesian Ridgebacks are prone to dermoid sinus, a tunnel-like opening between the skin and spinal column. This congenital defect causes neurologic signs, which can occur at any age. Surgery is the recommended treatment and affected dogs should not be bred.
Ridgebacks are also one of the breeds who suffer from degenerative myelopathy, a degenerative spinal cord disease. Though rare, it is incurable and crippling. There is currently no genetic test for DM in the Ridgeback, although research is ongoing.
Ridgebacks are more likely than many breeds to bloat, a condition in which the stomach distends with gas and can twist on itself (called gastric torsion), cutting off blood flow. Bloat and torsion strike very suddenly, and a dog who was fine one minute can be dead a few hours later. Watch for symptoms like restlessness and pacing, drooling, pale gums, lip licking, trying unsuccessfully to vomit, and signs of pain. Bloat requires immediate veterinary intervention, and surgery is necessary in many cases. Unfortunately, dogs that have bloated can bloat again, so most veterinarians offer a procedure known as gastropexy or “stomach tacking,” which anchors the stomach to the body wall to help keep it from twisting in the future. This procedure can also be done as a preventive measure.
Ridgebacks can suffer from several kinds of cancer, most notably mast cell tumours. Hip dysplasia and elbow dysplasia can also affect dogs of this breed, as well as eye problems including cataracts, progressive retinal atrophy, and entropion.
Not all of these conditions are detectable in a growing puppy, and it can be hard to predict whether an animal will be free of these maladies, which is why you must find a reputable breeder who is committed to breeding the healthiest animals possible. They should be able to produce independent certification that the parents of the dog (and grandparents, etc.) have been screened for these defects and deemed healthy for breeding. That’s where health registries come in.
Breeders must agree to have all test results, positive or negative, published in the CHIC database. A dog need not receive good or even passing scores on the evaluations to obtain a CHIC number, so CHIC registration alone is not proof of soundness or absence of disease, but all test results are posted on the CHIC website and can be accessed by anyone who wants to check the health of a puppy’s parents.
If a breeder tells you she doesn’t need to do those tests because she’s never had problems in her lines, her dogs have been vet checked, or any of the other excuses bad breeders have for skimping on the genetic testing of their dogs, walk away immediately.
Careful breeders screen their breeding dogs for genetic disease and breed only the healthiest and best-looking specimens, but sometimes Mother Nature has other ideas, and a puppy develops one of these diseases despite good breeding practices. Advances in veterinary medicine mean that in most cases the dogs can still live good lives. If you’re getting a puppy, ask the breeder about the ages of the dogs in her lines and what they died of.
Remember that after you’ve taken a new puppy into your home, you have the power to protect him from one of the most common health problems: obesity. Keeping a Ridgeback at an appropriate weight is one of the easier ways to extend his life. Make the most of diet and exercise to help ensure a healthier dog for life.
Ridgebacks have an easy-care short coat. A Ridgie will shed a bit all year long, but it’s not bad. Run a brush over his coat once a week and bathe him when you think he needs it. Brush his teeth with a vet-approved pet toothpaste, clean his ears, and trim his nails regularly, and that’s it.
Interesting Reading
In Quest Of The Sabre And The Two Crowns (Sian Hall)